IR Policy

  1. Criteria for Information Disclosure
    The Company discloses information pursuant to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan, and to the "Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuer of Listed Security and the Like" (hereinafter the "Timely Disclosure Rules") stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, in the hope that such information would help shareholders and potential investors have a deeper understanding and make an appropriate assessment of our Group.
  2. Method of Information Disclosure
    When disclosing information provided for in the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and by the Timely Disclosure Rules stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange and disclosing other material information, the Company will expeditiously register such information through the Tokyo Stock Exchange's TDnet (Timely Disclosure network). Any such registered information will be expeditiously disclosed on the Company's website as well to ensure "timely" and "fair" disclosure of information.
  3. Enhancement of IR opportunities
    The Company is committed to clearly communicate to shareholders and potential investors its management strategies as well as its business results and financial position. To that end, the Company strives to enhance IR opportunities, including company information sessions and results briefing sessions, where the president and other management officials themselves speak directly to private and institutional investors, as well as securities analysts and others from Japan and abroad.
  4. Full implementation of IR Policy across the Company
    The Company strives to ensure that its IR Policy is fully understood and implemented across the entire company.
    All inquiries from private and institutional investors, as well as from securities analysts and others are responded to by our IR department. This arrangement has been made in order to protect the Company and its employees from legal liabilities under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and other applicable laws and regulations.
  5. Silent period of IR
    The Company observes a "silent period" before publishing its financial results, and refrains from making comments or responding to questions regarding the results. A period of four weeks is set aside as a silent period before the date of announcement of the financial results for each period.