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Dialogue and Evaluation

Stakeholder Engagement

Our Strategy and Approach

We believe highly transparent disclosure of information is critical for building bonds of trust and successful co-existence and co-prosperity, and for achieving higher corporate value and sustainable growth over the medium-to-long term. We strive to ensure strong compliance and firm safety and quality control, but we are also committed to the timely and appropriate disclosure of any negative information as well, by, for example, making swift announcements through news releases and other channels in the rare event that anything goes wrong.

Key Initiatives

Communicating with customers

The TOMY Group includes a product survey with its commercial products, and we reflect the results of those surveys in our product planning, marketing, and advertising activities. Our Customer Service Department receives a wide variety of communications from customers ranging from children’s thank you letters to questions and opinions about our products and services. Furthermore, we strive to encourage two-way communication with customers through our official Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social media channels so that our customers can feel closeness to the TOMY Group (To uphold children’s human rights, we only target individuals aged 13 years and over through the above medial channels).
We conducted an online customer survey and a TOMY Kids’ Symposium when we were trying to define materiality for our social responsibility activities. We received survey responses from approximately 1,200 people and encouraged some earnest debates among children and our employees about various social issues, both of which proved extremely useful reference for defining the materiality.

Communicating with shareholders and investors

TOMY has a clearly defined IR Policy and strives to conduct swift and appropriate information disclosure that promotes understanding of our policy among shareholders and investors, and aids appropriate corporate evaluations. We convey information about our operational circumstances, products, and sustainability initiatives through our business reports and annual reports. We also conduct a shareholder survey to promote even better communication with our shareholders by asking them what they expect of us, and the usability of our Investor Relations webpage. We readily refer to shareholder opinions in our business operations, and disclose some of the survey results on our website.

Communicating with Employees

The TOMY Group conducts a variety of communications to all employees in Japan and overseas to promote a deeper understanding of sustainability among employees. In addition to annual sustainability training for all executives and employees in Japan and overseas, the company also publishes an in-house newsletter, "Sustainability Magazine Wa!", exhibits awareness-raising posters of sustainability-related policies, and distributes original awareness-raising items. The participation rate for sustainability training in FY2023 was 100%. We also conducted a survey and compiled opinions on the TOMY Group's sustainability initiatives. The TOMY Group will continue to incorporate employee feedback into its sustainability initiatives and plans. At the same time, we will promote dialogue and initiatives so that each and every employee can realize the connection between their work and sustainability and feel fulfilled in their daily work.

Communicating with business partners

TOMY Group products and services could not be created without the cooperation of our business partners. We seek to conduct just and fair business dealings, and deepen partnerships through such measures as the holding of briefings on our newly determined TOMY Group Responsible Procurement Guidelines issued in May 2020 so that we can promote our sustainability activities based on the spirit of co-existence and co-prosperity.


Communicating with society

The TOMY Group actively engages in local revitalization projects, next-generation education, and environmental activities to promote trust within local communities for our business operations. We also ask experts in different fields to share their opinions and expectations of TOMY Group sustainability initiatives, and use those opinions as valuable reference for defining materiality as well as sustainability activities.