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Top Message

Representative Director, Chairman & CEO

Kazuhiro Kojima

富山 幹太郎

The TOMY Group celebrated the 100th anniversary of our founding on February 2, 2024. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for your support that has enabled us to reach this major milestone.

Our founder, Eiichiro Tomiyama, expressed his philosophy as “aiming to create a more abundant children’s culture by making ingenious, high-quality toys loved by everyone with the wish for the healthy growth of children responsible for the future.” With this philosophy in mind, Eiichiro Tomiyama founded Tomiyama Toy Seisakusho on February 2, 1924. Ever since our founding, we have always adhered to our belief of contributing to society through our core business of toys.

In recent years, we have redefined the concept of what we do from toys to Asobi and expanded our target audience to include people around the world (from children to adults) who have the spirit of Asobi, but our core philosophy has not changed. We are committed to providing new Asobi value and contributing to society through Asobi for the smiles of children and adults with the spirit of Asobi around the world.

Today, the world is in a period of great change. People’s behavioral patterns are changing dramatically along with the rapid advancement of technology. In addition, while there is a movement away from international cooperation and toward an “our nation first” mentality, disparities in education and economy continue to widen, and climate change risks are heightening. The role that companies are expected to play in addressing such social issues is also changing amid the many challenges that modern society faces.

Companies have been positioned as “actors responsible for solving problems” in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations in 2015, and great expectations have been placed on them. How do we meet these expectations through Asobi? I am convinced that we can contribute to the healthy growth of children and the improvement of people's well-being, regardless of borders or race, and that there are things only we can accomplish.

As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of our founding, we have taken this new milestone as an opportunity to define our Purpose as “Quality Asobi can inspire and delight the world,” as well as establish a Sustainability Vision in line with this Purpose.
In order to fulfill our Sustainability Vision of “A creator of quality Asobi that promotes the sustainable well-being of society,” we will clearly define our path forward and our mindset, and firmly establish our initiatives and unwavering commitment both within and outside the company. In doing so, we will continue to contribute to society through Asobi, as we have done until now, with the aim of becoming a company that is trusted around the world.

Thank you for your continued support and patronage.

Representative Director, President & COO

Akio Tomiyama

小島 一洋

The TOMY Group celebrated the 100th anniversary of our founding on February 2, 2024, and embarked on a fresh start toward the next 100 years.
To mark this 100th anniversary, we have reexamined how we create impact on society and formulated the TOMY Group Philosophies, which include our new Purpose/Vision 2030.

Under the new TOMY Group Philosophies, we aim to create a common way of thinking as ONE TOMY and have a unified philosophy and strategy for the Group as a whole.

Quality Asobi can inspire and delight the world.

◼Business Vision 2030
Becoming a globally adored Asobi powerhouse, known for its top-notch quality and boundless creativity.

◼Sustainability Vision 2030
A creator of quality Asobi that promotes the sustainable well-being of society.

In addition to increasing the economic value of the TOMY Group, we believe that seeking to enhance social value through efforts to realize a sustainable society as a member of the global community will make our business more sustainable and lead to sustainable growth and the enhancement of corporate value over the medium to long term.

Asobi is more than just fun; it also creates diverse values such as starting conversations, caring, learning, and growth. As such, we believe that the Asobi we provide plays an important role in society.

We aim to create “excitement, surprise, inspiration, and smiles” as well as “excitement for the future” for people of all ages, from children to adults, through our toys and Asobi. Going forward, we will promote the bonds between families and local communities and contribute to the sustainable well-being of society, based on our philosophy of co-existence and co-prosperity with local communities, which has been important to us since our founding.

In order to fulfill our Sustainability Vision, we will provide high quality Asobi by creating an environment in which our employees can freely and passionately devote their time and energy to Asobi. In addition to the safety and peace of mind of our customers, we will also take our impact on the global environment and respect for human rights into consideration and our sound management system as we aim to realize both a sustainable society and the growth of our Group and continue providing the quality and value needed by society.