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Sustainability Initiatives | Active participation of diverse personnel

Building a Comfortable Workplace

Our Policy and Strategy

The TOMY Group’s policy is to promote a work-life balance that fosters workplaces where individuals and the organization can create maximum added value, and people at different stages of life can continue to work with motivation and peace of mind.

Toys that make children and adults smile. New, exciting ideas. These are all born out of a celebration of employee individuality and special skills, as well as teamwork based on a respect for diverse perspectives. The TOMY Group pursues work style reform with reference to the human rights and occupational health and safety of our employees so that each and every one of our staff can show their full potential and continue to grow while prizing their own identity. We are also setting up a system that incorporates teleworking and various other work styles to enable employees to work safely and consistently even in times of natural disaster or viral pandemics and allow them to continue working comfortably whatever their stage of life.

Management Structure

The TOMY Group corporate guidelines, which are based on our corporate mission and show our concrete goals, stipulate that “we will strive to offer a dynamic working environment which maximizes individual initiative and creativity.”
Under the jurisdiction of our Human Resources Division, we promote a healthy work-life balance, build systems and implement measures that help create a comfortable workplace while frequently displaying information on internal bulletin boards and holding seminars to explain these systems.

Key Initiatives

Improving Employee Engagement

To continue creating asobi (play) that matches society’s diverse values, we believe it is essential to respect the individuality of our diverse talent, and for our employees to show their initiative and creativity. In addition, strengthening the two-way ties between individual employees and the company helps increase productivity and performance, so each year we conduct an employee engagement survey. This survey is used to measure aspects such as employee engagement and stress levels, and identify the TOMY Group’s strengths and challenges related to work fulfillment. The survey results are provided as feedback to both employees themselves and each department. We are then committed to improvements that create environments where each employee feels motivated in their role, allowing them to demonstrate their abilities and be a more active member of the team.

Promoting Work Style Reform

So that each employee can choose diverse and flexible working styles that suit their individual lifestyle, under the jurisdiction of the Human Resources Division, we are constructing systems and taking steps to create comfortable working environments.

Encouraging Flexible Working Styles

We offer flexible working environments to suit diverse values.

  • ・Teleworking
  • ・Super flex-time system
  • ・Reduced working hours system for childcare and nursing care
  • ・Second job system

Promoting Use of Paid Annual Leave

We are creating working environments where it is easier for employees to use their entitled paid vacation time, as being well rested helps improve motivation and productivity.

  • ・Paid annual leave promotion days (around 10 per year)
  • ・Refresh day and anniversary day systems
  • ・Monitoring of actual leave taken over the year, with follow-ups for employees who have yet to take any and their line managers

Reducing Long Working Hours

The TOMY Group conducts labor seminars for managers to help reduce overtime hours. As part of our attendance system, an email alert is sent to any employees who have worked longer than 25 hours or 30 hours of overtime per month and their immediate managers to help reduce long working hours. We also monitor overtime hours for each individual department and staff member. Any cases of significantly long overtime are reported to the health and safety committee of the relevant Group company, and systems have been established to promote improvements involving both labor and management.

Promoting Use of Paternity Leave

We are creating working environments where male employees can more easily take parental leave, and striving to raise awareness.

  • ・A support line for questions about parental leave
  • ・Publishing of interviews in the company newsletter with male employees who took parental leave and their bosses

Fair and Impartial Performance Evaluation System

We disclose rules regarding performance evaluations and promotion requirements for employees who take leave or have reduced working hours for childcare or nursing care, and conduct fair and impartial evaluations. We also conduct evaluation training for managers.

Occupational Health and Safety

The TOMY Group fosters working conditions that enable employees to work safely and healthily from both a mental and physical perspective. We believe that safe and comfortable working conditions help employees maximize their own performance and lead to improved productivity.

Health Maintenance & Mental Health Care

All of our employees are enrolled in social and labor insurance systems. To help maintain employee health, we have set up a Group-wide healthcare system, established a dedicated committee with occupational health physicians, and actively ensure all employees attend regular health checks, administer flu shots and prevent excessive workload. To promote positive mental health, we have created a system that gives employees access to care at any time through options such as internal and external mental health hotlines, and industrial physicians specializing in psychosomatic medicine and psychiatry.
In addition, we also provide a host of employee benefits that include a commuting allowance and a defined contribution pension plan.

■Benefits at Group companies in Japan

Item Coverage
Social and labor insurance All employees
Healthcare check and medical checkup
Stress check
Commuting allowance
Welfare association
Staff discounts on products, etc.
Subsidized correspondence courses
Defined contribution pension plan
Employees’ saving scheme
Employee shareholder association
Note: Some items may not include all Group companies or all employees.

Health and Safety Initiatives at Production Bases

At production bases outside Japan, safety leaders* and other employees seek to ensure factory safety and improve working environments through daily activities. Safety leaders and other safety promotion members conducted various health and safety related initiatives.

*One safety leader is assigned from each department or Group company. Safety leaders are tasked with promoting quality manufacturing during their one-year tenure.
Factory safety patrol
Factory safety patrol

Labor-management Relations

The TOMY Group has a single labor union in Japan, the TOMY Group Labor Union. In union dealings, we believe in the concept of labor-management cooperation and harmony whereby consistent improvement of working environments and conditions leads to positive development and growth for the Group as a whole. The labor union conveys the opinions of employees to company management and shares information with its members through monthly publications or by holding regular or ad hoc meetings. The labor union is a member of UA ZENSEN. Each Group company also concludes a labor-management agreement with fairly elected employee (worker) representatives that aims to encourage dialogue between management and employees to build strong, healthy relationships based on mutual understanding and respect.