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Sustainability Initiatives | Human Rights

Respecting Child Rights

Our Policy and Strategy

The TOMY Group is conscious of the influence it may exert on children and other users, so we believe it is important to fulfill our social responsibility across our entire value chain from procurement through production, as well as in merchandizing and the expressions used in advertising and promotional media. As laid out in the Children’s Rights and Business Principles (CRBP), we have determined ethical rules for merchandizing and expressions used in media advertising in our internal regulations and Social Media Policy to ensure maximum consideration is paid not just to the prohibition of child labor, but to broader child rights.

Management Structure

Products and Media

Located in the Sustainability Promotion Division under direct control of the President, our corporate ethics department is primarily responsible for operating and promoting our internal regulations on ethics for merchandizing and expressions used in media advertising. The head of each department is ultimately responsible for complying with these rules when making decisions on merchandizing or selecting individual media and media expressions. In addition, we have also taken steps such as creating guidelines for providing ethical responses suitable to the target age ranges for our products and media, using a thorough checking system, and having ethics specialists available for consultation. Our advertising and promotion department provides information and support regarding expression techniques and the specific focus and strengths of individual media.

Links to other structures and initiatives related to child rights

Key Initiatives

Careful and Considerate Information Sharing on Social Media

As the array of available media continues to diversify, the TOMY Group is focusing on developing modern communication channels that enable us to interact directly with individual consumers. With that in mind, we have compiled a Social Media Policy for our Group companies in Japan, to help advertise TOMY’s active approach to such media, and ensure the public can interact comfortably on them. The Policy is designed as a reference for the operation of our official accounts and for Group employees using social media, to ensure consistently appropriate information sharing and dialogue.


Internal Training and Support Tools to Raise Awareness of Corporate Ethics

To ensure awareness of rules and regulations, the TOMY Group continuously works to improve employee understanding through activities such as holding ethics training for all those working for the Group in Japan, and sending a monthly newsletter. We also provide trainings for different job types and purposes, such as for an entire business division or for social media managers.
Additionally, to deepen employees’ understanding of providing ethical responses, we share internal guidelines and glossaries within the company as tools to support their duties.