In 2021, the TOMY Group began taking specific action toward achieving
our sustainability vision of becoming friends with children around the world.
Here we introduce our medium-term sustainability targets and KPIs
and share messages from our President Kazuhiro Kojima
and Senior Executive Officer Akio Tomiyama.

our system to promote
sustainability and CSR
To further strengthen our system for promoting sustainability and CSR, in February 2021 we established a new Sustainability Promotion Division* under direct control of the President. Moving forward, we will engage strategically in solving global social issues through the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other frameworks, with the aim of realizing both a sustainable society and Group growth.
*The division name was changed to Sustainability Promotion Division.
our Social Responsibility
In May 2021, we set medium-term sustainability targets and KPIs for FY2021-FY2023, the TOMY Group’s first sustainability commitment, and started other initiatives in accordance with our Social Responsibility Framework. From here, we enter the phase of taking specific action.
A period of three years through the end of fiscal 2023 was set for achieving these medium-term sustainability targets and KPIs. Based on our founding philosophy, we established targets and KPIs for each of our eight material issues that are assigned to each of our three pillars of social responsibility—Commitment to Quality Manufacturing, Sound Management, and Coexisting with Society and the Environment.

Adding Sustainability
and CSR initiatives
the overall strategy of
our new medium-term
management plan
We announced our new three-year medium-term management plan at the March 2021 financial results briefing, and named Sustainability and CSR initiatives as the sixth pillar of our overall strategy.
The sustainable growth of the TOMY Group and achieving our medium-term sustainability targets and KPIs are two sides of the same coin. In our new medium-term management plan, we have redefined the value we provide as asobi (play), which includes things that are not physical objects, and expanded our target customer segment from children to everyone around the world who appreciates the benefits of play—asobi.

Medium-term Sustainability
Targets and KPIs
To achieve our medium-term sustainability targets and KPIs,
it is important for each TOMY Group member to understand sustainability and CSR,
take ownership of them, and engage in specific action within their own duties.
To share the excitement of what we are aiming for with all Group employees around the world,
we will hold in-house briefings and engage in other initiatives,
making steady advancement as a united Group.
We will report the progress of activities to achieve our targets and KPIs on our Sustainability page.